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Integrity officers a big help in fight against graft

Written By Unknown on 5 Jul 2013 | Friday, July 05, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR: Certified integrity officers (CeI0) have helped to increase awareness on corruption activities and the importance of reporting them, said the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy director Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdul Aziz.

The academy conducts the CeIO programme.

In this programme the high-ranking personnel from both the government and the private sector are trained in all areas of anti-graft.

This includes corruption prevention, identifying fraud offences and enhancing integrity at the workplace, among others.

“Previously, there was this fear of reporting corruption activities.

“However, we have noticed that now the awareness had increased after in-house personnel were appointed as CeIOs.

“Before, it was also difficult to get information from certain GLCs (government-linked companies).

“But this was no longer the case with the CeIOs in place,” he said in an interview yesterday.

Abdul Wahab said 115 personnel from the private and the government sector have been trained and certified as integrity officers.

This includes GLCs, various ministries and government bodies

“Over 80% of graduates have become heads of integrity units at their respective offices.

“There is even a CeIO who appointed 40 people under him to enhance integrity at the agency nationwide,” he said.

He added that the remaining 20% could not do their part as they were either transferred or promoted.

The accredited programme, said Abdul Wahab, had also attracted international attention.

He added that a 12-day comprehensive programme had been scheduled for overseas participants in October.

Some 30 participants from the private and government sector have already signed up for the upcoming three-month programme.

The next programme is scheduled to start on July 14.

There are only two intakes for this programme each year.


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